Gudday !!

Two days i'm back with my 2-days-lonely lappy and new story to tell..It was a great moment of my life to be part in the process of June's wedding. I've never been involved in these matters before as none of my siblings married..*what a sad statement..everything was going smoothly..start from solemnization until reception..everybody seem to be really happy..i felt lucky to be there, among hundreds of relatives and friends witnessing the most important phase of June's life..I was thinking and hoping that mine will be like this too..

15.08.08 was a busy day for me..i was running here and there as some of the preparation for reception wasn't completed yet..I woke up early as i have to send the songket to June..went around the town searching for Wedding Boutique in order to get the songket for kain, bengkung and tengkolok done..then got back to finish all the wedding gifts..around 7.30, everything's ready for tomorrow's reception ceremony (except for those songket things)..we offed to solemnization ceremony..guest wasnt arrived yet..i went upstair to meet June..Saw Kak Azie (June's Schoolmate), Yang (June's Foster Sis) and another friend (forgot to ask her name..*grin)..I've met Kak Azie before during June's engagement day..she a warm and friendly person..i like her very much..That was a first time i personally met Yang..I've heard about her from June..She is a funny, friendly and warm her also..the photographer was really superb..SHIDI..he took hundreds *maybe thousands of pic for those 2 days..that nite was a palpitated moment for everyone in the feeling that time was really indescribable coz that was my first solemnization experience..usually i will only stay at home, lending my hear the Kutbah Perkahwinan..menginsafkan..

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