Today is the first day...!!!!!

Good Morning All,
How was ur holidays? I bet it was today everyone start working again..heva productive day is my first day working at the new place..a lil bit nervous im having my breakfast..hmm..i miss my mom already..if she's here, i will have a nice breakfast n she even will tapau me some for lunch..I miss u off now..see u guys later ya..

P/S: I received a very good news from my big sis yesterday..hoho..I'm happy for you sis..

It's Christmas..It's Holiday!!

I wish all my sarawakian friends, my loyal readers and bloggers Merry Christmas and happy holiday..hope ur day is filed with joy and happiness..

Kapten Aziizur Wed Kapten Sofea Part 1

Today i went to my cousin brother wedding..its a 'wow' wedding actually..the best was there was a charlie aircraft circling in the air in 3 times round.. it flew very low to pay tribute to the newly wed couple..weird? haha..both of them are captain in cousin brother served in the air force while his wife is in RAMD..their wedding was filled with military custom..hmm nice..unfortunately i couldn't enjoy it so much as I'm not feeling well since yesterday..the food was ok..the goodies was ok usual my mom family will give Laddu to all the guest during wedding..we gave laddu too during my big sis wedding last year..I managed to take video..will upload it later as i have no mood now..

Tomorrow I'll be going to KL..a bit sad to leave my mom alone..but what to do..its for better future..better life..I'm really really sad..I'm gonna miss my mom so much..I dont know how am I gonna leave alone there coz all this while i have her beside me all the time..hmm..hope everything will be ok..uwaaaaaa! tsk tsk tsk...

Health Click

DIY Pore Strips by Michelle Phan

I have been subscribed Michelle Phan at Youtube for years now..i like all her make up and DIY beauty i'm gonna share with you guys her vidoe on how to make your own pore strips using milk and gelatin..this is so cool..i'm gonna try it today..i can see from the video that her homemade pore strips is better than those being sold at the drug stores..check it out..

Jom Belajar Bahasa Utara

Mungkin ramai yang dah buat tapi memangdangkan takde apa nak di ceritakan sangat apa kata kita belajar bahasa utara..sekadar untuk informasi..

Bahasa Malaysia = Bahasa Utara
Air = Ayaq Bosan/Boring = Cemuih
Almari = Lemari
Awak / Kamu = Hang / Hangpa
Basikal = Gerek (orang dah tak sebut dah) / Beskat
Berniaga - Menyaga
Banjir = Banjet
Baling = Balin / Punggai
Biskut Kering = Roti Kering
Berkhayal = Ghayan
Berkecah = Kecaq
Bergaduh = Bergomoi
Berarak = Belarak
Bising = Hingaq
Buat Kecoh = Buat Ramai 
Cungkil = Toi
Comot = Belemoih
Garang = Cengei
Gerai Makan = Astaka
Hodoh / Buruk = Huduh / Burok
Kuala Lumpur = Kolompo
Kenapa = Awat
Kusut Masai = Serabai / Serungaih
Kari Ikan = Gulai Ikan
Kuih = Cucoq / Kuei / Koi
Lempang / Tampar = Sepak / Tampaq
Nombor = Nombot
Panggil = kelui / panggei
Patahkan = Kepak
Panas baran / Perengus = Perongoih
Sarapan = Menyorok (tapi dah jarang diguna pakai)
Sentap = Serot
Sudu Garfu =  Camca Garpu
Sahur = Soq
Saya = Aku / Kami / Chek
Sesuai (ubat) = Rasi
Terlalu Asyik (menonton tv atau mendengar orang bercerita) = Melangut
You all = Hangpa 

 Cukup la dulu setakat ni..pening dah memikir..sekian

Good bye everyone..Im gonna miss SPA Travel & the rest of you

Today is my last day in this company..actually i am sad to leave but i also need to move on, change my life my career..well i wish everyone here all the best in the future..I would like to apologize for all my mistake..mintak dihalalkan gaji selama ni dan apa jugak yang termakan terminum terguna dunia akhirat..we will always meet as they are all my relatives, my sisters..its my pleasure to help in anything..just gimme a call or June..whenever you come to kl pls call me..i will go n meet u..

Yesterday i have said goodbye to Ms Manager, Kak Eda and Kak Ana from other office..suddenly i felt so sad n cried..haha..silly me..its not that i'm not gonna see them..its just like working for 4 and half years giving me such a gonna work at a new place with new environment and new friends..harap hubungan tak putus di sini..I love both of you..Goodbye..tsk tsk tsk

 Me and Ms Manager, Kak Eda at Langkawi

Kak Ija, Kak Azie, Kak Eda, June & Me during Bowling Tournament

June & me

 Kak Ana & Kak Eda during my big sister wedding..they have help a lot..thanks guys..

Latest picture of us..My last Travel Fair with them..I'm gonna miss you guys..

Good bye to The Tree Top Walk Sg Sedim & SPA Travel...tsk tsk tsk!!

How they trap you into drug syndicate?

While searching for Anak Mami Kembali movie in youtube, i found this very useful video..It was a campaign by Singapore authorities i guess ..its about how one (girls especially) can trapped into drugs syndicate and become a drug mule without knowing it..actually most of them are being victimized..ofcoz immigration officer or even the court won't believe you if u said that u don't know how those drugs get into ur luggage..

We cannot say that only black will do things like u can see from the video, there is local citizen involvement..I hope this will help us to be more careful in everyday life..we will never know what might happen to us in the future..well as mentioned earlier not only black will do this evil things..we may be deceived by our own race..

So just be extra not easily trust people u just know for 3 second..when people offer you for free holiday, think 100 times coz it might be a trap..DO NOT LET OTHER PEOPLE PACK YOU THINGS..if the person offer you to borrow his/her bag, DO NOT TAKE not take any parcel from them to be transported with you..just be aware and always open your eyes widely..the most importantly, do not be deceived by wealth..

Northern Dialect

Northern dialect is very popular among Malaysian..its has been widely used in drama n film too..I am very proud to acknowledge myself as the northern..but i notice that there are a few words that has been incorrectly quoted..Well lets check it out ok..

Malay Language = Northern Dialect = Incorrectly Quoted
Motor = Moto = Motoq
Banjir = Banjet / Banjir = Banjiaq
Boss = Boss = Boih  (overnya)
Nombor = Nombot Nomboq
Pasir = Pasiaq Pasiak
Jelir = Jelen = Jeliaq (this is worst)
Nakal = Buaih = Nakai (not widely used) 
Daging = Dagin = Daging
Pening = Penin = Pening
Kuala Lumpur = Kolompo = Kualumpoq

and many more....funny dowh~

This is what i mean by Northern Dialect

Drama Bukan ini Pintaku

Currently watching this on Astro Ria!

Dek kerana jantan adik sanggup fitnah abang..hamjadah punya adik..demi nak tengok wayang, jalan2 ngan jantan sanggup dia buat cam tu..tak padan ngan cacat..huh..marah betoi aku ni..


Do children mirror their parents behavior?

Courtesy of Google

Parents are the best example for we walk that's how they walk, how we eat that's how they eat, how we speak that's how they talk and so on so forth..well you may not noticed this but if you look very carefully u may find it..

The most common problem faced by parents is when their children are stubborn..the worst is when they start to shout at you..hah !feel like slapping that cute lil mouth..actually its not their fault..remember that this lil fellas copycat everything from you..YES u ever sit down n think back how did u speak with your husband, your mom, your friends, your neighbors or even with them? Well, you better do it rite now~

The way they talk to you is actually the way you talk to them or people around you..when you shouting at them or at people around you, they will think that this is the correct way to talk with people...they learn everything from you..and ofcoz its start from the beginning..i mean its start when they are babies..have you heard this "monkey see, monkey does'? 

When i was doing my degree, i did read a journal about from now on, stop blaming your children for their bad parents it is our responsibility to correct them when they wrong and be a good idol to them..the first thing you have to do is..reset you mind and your attitude, insyaAllah they will become distinguished and outstanding in future.. 

Awang Hitam

source: Yahoo News

KUALA LUMPUR, 20 Dis — Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) mendesak Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) mengharamkan kemasukan warga Afrika terutamanya dari Nigeria, didakwa banyak menimbulkan masalah sosial di negara ini.
Penasihat PPIM, Tunku Azwil Tunku Abdul Razak berkata, kerajaan perlu bertindak tegas terhadap mereka kerana banyak aduan mengenai penipuan ‘black money’ dan penipuan menerusi Internet melibatkan warga Afrika yang dikenali sebagai ‘Awang Hitam’.
“Kami telah menerima antara 70 hingga 80 aduan dari mangsa penipuan Awang Hitam ini yang dikenali melalui Internet,” katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini hari ini.
Katanya lagi, yang anehnya ramai yang menjadi mangsa ialah golongan cerdik pandai dan profesional yang terlibat dalam cinta Internet dengan ‘Awang Hitam’.
Beliau mendakwa yang paling dikesali kemasukan mereka ke negara ini di atas visa pelajar tetapi mereka lari dari pusat pengajian tinggi selepas mendaftar diri mereka sebagai pelajar.
“Oleh itu Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi hendaklah memastikan mereka yang mahu belajar sahaja perlu diberi visa pelajar. Kami mencadangkan supaya had kewangan mereka dikenakan supaya mereka yang ada wang sahaja yang perlu masuk untuk belajar,” katanya lagi. Tambahnya, apa yang berlaku, mereka tiada wang untuk belajar tetapi mereka masuk ke negara ini untuk bekerja pula.
“Kalau setakat mereka mencari makan, kami tak kisah. Sebaliknya mereka mengganggu ketenteraman awam dan anak-anak gadis tempatan,” katanya lagi.
Tunku Azwil kesal kerana masalah ini sudah berlarutan sejak tahun 80an lagi tetapi kerajaan tidak bertindak tegas.

I guess not only Malaysia face this prob, other country also face the same thing..ofcoz not all black r bad..but because of one small group,the whole country have to bear the consequences..

White Shirt, Finally I Found YOU!!

Hello Peep-pals,
Last Friday me n mom went shopping..actually we r looking for a  long sleeves white tee, black pants and shoes  for I'm going for the MIT this 27 Dec 2011..oh ! those who r still blur click here to see what MIT is..We have been walking around the mall but couldn't find it..they don't have long sleeves white tee..all i found is short sleeves white tee with collar..euww..I grabbed long sleeves purple tee instead of long sleeves white tee..huhu..

I didn't get my black pants too as the price is extremely expensive..hoh..the price does not match the quality i decided not to buy it..Our next agenda is to find a pair of shoes for should be black n fully's not that i don't have one..but mine is sandal type and wedges..they will kick me out if i wear those kind of shoes first i decide to buy sneakers..but i think with my age now and the position they offer  me i should not be a fool and aggravated myself by wearing i found a nice sporty pump shoes which really suit my taste..unfortunately, they don't have it in my last we walk out the mall with great disappointment..~sigh~

My mom decided that we should go on Saturday n get all the stuffs i need to bring with me next week..i just said yes as i was disappointed..So Yesterday we just went to Giant nearby my house n get all the toiletries for me..then mom said i should look at the garment department maybe they have the white shirt..DAMN..they have ok..haha..i was happy then...i grabbed one..i need to wear it on the first day b4 they give me the uniform..there are several brand...i chose the good one ofcoz, coz its thick n soft..hah..what a release...

After buy all the things i need to bring to kl, we decided to go n look for the shoes..well..the branch here only have few choice BUT..haha..i found the one that i like so much..n they have my size too..i'm happy..i even got my black pants..but not from Giant ofcoz..i went to my fav tailor n he will tailored it for me n promise that it will be ready by tomorrow..hoho..great..i'm happy..

Finally, it's confirmed!!

Good-day Peeps,

Im happy today..coz finally its confirmed..remember my last post about the phone call from Domino's Pizza? Click here for the post..Well actually i did apply for Domino's Pizza Restaurant Manager last month during the Career Fair in Penang..then after  a weeks (or 2) they call me for an i went was actually the first interview..the interviewer named Mr Tan didn't ask so much..actually it wasn't like an interview at was like a briefing of how is the process of becoming a restaurant manager will be..

So he explain, first i will have to go for this time my position will be Manager in Training. Then after 13 weeks they will assign me to the nearest domino's outlet to my hometown as assistant manager..As they r planning to open 1 outlet in my hometown probably i will in charge there..or they will send me to somewhere nearby..hmm..i don't mind where they will located me..

Then he said someone will call me next week..then a girl call me ask me to go for 2nd interview..this one was a REAL interview..ok to be honest..i never go for an i was so nervous n panic i don't know here was that place..n was lost too..well the walk in interview was started at 4..i reached there at 5..*good..

Well as it was a walk in interview ofcoz i have to wait like 1 hour for my turn (as i reach late too..haha..first come first served)..when my turn came..i was so nervous..i even got a very low marks for my IQ test..haha..the interviewer (i didnt know his name as he never intro himself) asked me so many question (typical interview questions)..haha..n my answer was really funny n sounds stupid too..i think he might noticed that kept playing with my question he asked me..'What skill should a manager have?'  hoh! i was blank..then suddenly one of the staff came n talked with him..i was like 'think, think'..haha..then i got the answer..phew!!

Lastly he said, 'my girl will give u a call next week'..then i went back..hoho..i felt stupid..i was driving in regret the whole way back home..i am stupid..that what i was thinking..hhmm..then last friday the officer named Vijaya called me..he said that i got the job but will confirm back with me once she got all my document..hoho..i waited nearly the whole week for them to call they didn't call me..i thought i should give them a call..who knows that they might change their mind..haha crazy thought..

Then its confirmed then..I'm one of Domino's Malaysia team now..I don't mind if my salary isn't much..i just want a new experience, a new start and be happy..that's all..I'll be reporting my duty on 27 Dec 2011..i'll be staying at my sister's house (well..she also need someone to take care the house too as she already move to Sarawak)..hmm..Wish me luck guys..


Are you stress? Take a rest...

Look at this picture..

If u see the balls moving, its means that you are stress.
Take a rest..or may be a cat nap to rejuvenate yourself..

Daulat Tuanku!!

Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah ibni Sultan BadlishahGCB KStJ (born 28 November 1927) is the 14th and current Yang di-Pertuan Agong (head of state) of Malaysia, as well as the 27th and current Sultan of Kedah. He previously served as the fifth Yang di-Pertuan Agong from 1970 to 1975. He is the first person to hold the position twice, (as a Kedahan, I'm so proud) as well as the oldest elected to the office.

Early career
Born at Istana Anak Bukit near Alor Star as Tunku Abdul Halim, he was the second, but eldest surviving son, of Sultan Badlishah (born 1894; reigned 1943–1958), who later became the 27th Sultan of Kedah. His mother was Tunku Sofiah binti Tunku Mahmud (born 1910), who died in an automobile accident on 28 February 1935. Tunku Abdul Halim's maternal grandfather, Tunku Mahmud, was once Raja Muda or heir presumptive to the throne of Kedah.

He was educated at Alor Merah and Titi Gajah Malay schools and Sultan Abdul Hamid College in Alor Star between 1946 and 1948. He went on to Wadham College, Oxford and obtained a Diploma in Social Science and Public Administration. He subsequently joined the Kedah Administrative Service, serving in the Alor Star district office and later, the state treasury.

On 6 August 1949 he was appointed Raja Muda or heir apparent and succeeded as twenty-eighth Sultan of Kedah on his father's death on 15 July 1958.[3] He was installed at the Balai Besar in Alor Star on 20 February 1959.[4]

First Election as Deputy King

Tuanku Abdul Halim (as he became), served as Deputy Yang di-Pertuan Agong between 21 September 1965 and 20 September 1970.

Election as King

The Yang di-Pertuan Agong in a carriage with Elizabeth II on a state visit to London, 1974.
Tuanku Abdul Halim was elected as the fifth Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia and served his term in office from 21 September 1970 to 20 September 1975.
He is the third youngest monarch to ascend the throne of Yang di-Pertuan Agong after Tuanku Syed Putra of Perlis and Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin of Terengganu.
During his kingship, Tuanku Abdul Halim presided over the first transfer of power of the civilian government when his uncle, Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman resigned in favour of his deputy Tun Abdul Razak. Tunku Abdul Rahman had felt that he should not serve under a nephew, given strict Malay royal protocol, but agreed to stay on as prime minister for one day of Tuanku Abdul Halim's reign.

Second election as Deputy King

On 2 November 2006, Tuanku Abdul Halim was for the second time elected Deputy Yang di-Pertuan Agong to serve a five-year term beginning 13 December 2006. He is the third person to have been elected twice to this office, after Tuanku Jaafar of Negeri Sembilan and Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin of Terengganu.
From 13 December 2011, he will become the first person to be elected twice as Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the oldest sultan to be crowned in such position (at 84 years 15 days), beating the previous record holder, Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz of Selangor, who was crowned at 73 years 49 days.

Second election as King

In October 2011, Abdul Halim was elected to serve a second term as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to commence on 13 December 2011. He will become the first person to hold the position twice.

A council of regency consisting of his brothers Tunku Annuar, Tunku Sallehuddin, Tunku Abdul Hamid Thani, and daughter Tunku Puteri Intan Safinaz will discharge his duties as Sultan of Kedah while he serves his term as King.

Family Life

Tuanku Abdul Halim has two wives:
  1. Tuanku Bahiyah, daughter of Tuanku Abdul Rahman of Negeri Sembilan, married 1956. She served as Sultanah of Kedah and Raja Permaisuri Agong. She died on 26 August 2003 at Istana Kuala Cegar in Alor Star. They have 3 daughters: Tunku Soraya, Tunku Sarina and Tunku Intan Safinaz. Tunku Soraya and Tunku Sarina are twins. The daughters produce 5 grandchildren: three grandsons, Raja Nabil Imran, Raja Idris Shah and Raja Siffudin Muadzam and two granddaughters, Raja Sarina Bahiyah and Raja Safia Azizah.
  2. Cik Haminah binti Hamidun, married 1975. A commoner from Perak, she was titled Che Puan Kedah until 9 January 2004 when she was promoted to Sultanah.

Wanna know more click here..

P/S: As Kedahan, I'm really proud..We Love You Tuanku!! 

Pictures courtesy of Google
Source : Wikipedia

Shoo Away The Achoo!

You are standing in the LRT. In that crowded train, suddenly a person who stand right behind you sneeze three times..what would you think then? what is the first thing that could comes in your mind?..haha..

If me, this will come to my mind:

"What the F"
"Hell Idiot"
"Don't ur momma teach you how to cover ur mouth when sneezing"
"Im gonna be sick after this..uhhh!! i need to take my shower now"
"Red alert, red alert. Im gonna fall sick after this"

Haha..what's urs? Well dont share with me here..Share to Blackmores Malaysia's FB Page ! Join their ' Shoo Away the Achoo' caption contest by sharing ur thought when people go 'Achoo!' what you have to do? Just fill up the thought bubbles in the given scenario and you could win urself some great prizes..isn't it awesome????

What r u gonna get..!!! What i can tell u is one of it is Ipod!!

Wanna join?
Click here..

Men, your WiFi may be zapping your sperm

Hoh..this is scary..not only to also to women..hmm..guys..please read this ok..n do something..hohoho!!!

Laptop computers with WiFi may be damaging men's sperm, at least according to a new study published last week in the journal Fertility and Sterility.
To test the theory, Argentinian researchers put drops of healthy sperm near a laptop downloading data. After four hours, a quarter of the sperm had stopped swimming, compared to 14 percent of sperm in the control group placed away from the computer. In addition, 9 percent of sperm near the computer had DNA damage, three times more than the sperm in the control group. 

Habes la...matikkkk laaa....

The culprit? Electromagnetic radiation from the wireless internet, noted the scientists. Still, they say at this point the results are not conclusive until more research can be done.

In another study published in the same journal, US researchers placed temperature sensors on the scrotums of 29 men. The men set to work using laptop computers on their laps, and after 10 to 15 minutes had elapsed, scrotum temperatures rose to levels known to damage sperm production.

For maximum sperm production, testicles need to remain cool, even one to two degrees below body temperature. Using a laptop computer can cause temperatures to rise by 2.5°C in one hour, according to the study. 


One way around this problem? Use a desk. Or try a laptop pad and keep your legs apart, but men, this will only buy you 20 minutes before your testicles heat up to sperm-killing temperatures, according to the study's lead urologist Dr. Yefim Sheynkin of the University of New York at Stony Brook.

P/S: No we know why sometimes its hard for a couple to have a baby..everything should not be blamed on women only..hoho..happy reading..

Get rid of those fat !!

Pictures are Courtesy of  Google

Overweight is a is not easy to remove stubborn fat on our bodies..There are all kinds of slimming products on the market..But we need to evaluate in terms of ingredients used in these products whether is safe to be used or could be harmful..

Pictures are Courtesy of  Marie France Bodyline

Marie France Bodyline provides an effective slimming program.. The LIPOSONIC THERAPY  is the latest dynamic innovation that allows you to shed extra kilos, target problem areas, reduce cellulite and having lasting visible results.

Pictures are Courtesy of  Google

What is exciting me is that they use ingredients which are 100% natural..this is seriously important ok..if u wanna use beauty product, please please please check on this..if they use too much chemical, please don't use it as it may harm you and may cause cancer also..BUT no need to worry..MARIE FRANCE BODYLINE USE 100% NATURAL INGREDIENTS to brig out a healthier you.

So guys..what r u waiting for..grab this fabulous year end deal now for only RM139 on your first trial and start looking fabulous..

Pictures are Courtesy of Marie France Bodyline

Rindunya nak travel...

Salam Sejahtera, Happy Wednesday! Sesungguhnya, saya sangat sangat rindu nak travel lagi. Covid 19, PKP, sangat sangat mengubah kehidupan sa...