Boleh ke curik2 line telefon ni...?

Salam Semua !

Pagi2 morning lagi dah dapat email dari seorang teman yang tak jemu2 hantar email walaupon aku jarang2 nak balas..tapi email kali ni cam dah berjaya mencurik perhatian aku..tapi aku masih meragui kesahihannya sebab aku pernah beberapa kali dapat email macam ni dalam pelbagai versi dan juga subject..tapi tak salah kita kongsikan dengan orang lain kan..mana tau betul ke..soal betul ke tak korang nilai sendiri la ye..

Please note this carefully:
If you receive a phone call on your Mobile from any person saying that they are checking your mobile line or going to give you some offer/ prize, and ask you to press #90 or #09 or any other number. End that call immediately without pressing any Number. There is a company in Pakistan that is using a device that once you press #90 or #09 they can access your SIM card and make calls at your expense. They are misusing it to make calls from Indian numbers. Forward this message to as many friends as u can, to stop it. This information has been confirmed by both Motorola and Nokia... There are over 3 million mobile phones affected by this. You can check this news at CNN web site

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